The article explains Spain’s Personal Income Tax, known as IRPF. It’s vital for British people to understand this system, especially if they have financial interests or reside in Spain, as it has evolved to balance revenue collection with economic growth. The IRPF aims to tax individuals fairly based on their income, a reflection of Spain’s efforts to align its tax system with economic and social equity goals.
“Session 1” explores the history of taxes in Spain, from ancient times to today. It touches on key periods like the Moorish rule and the Habsburg era. This article gives readers a quick overview of how Spain’s tax system has changed and developed over the years.
Taxation of travel allowances in Spain – it appears to be quite a difficult topic, as it causes a lot of questions. So, let’s find out what it is about together.
Travel allowances are considered part of an employee’s income from work and are subject to usual taxation rules unless they adhere to the specific rules and limits as outlined in the law.
Income tax Spain – IPRF (Impuesto sobre la renta de las personas físicas). Income tax – a major component of Spanish tax revenues. 2020 2021 IPRF 87972 94546 I Sociedades 15858 26628 IVA 63337 72493 Others 26884 29715 Total 194051 223382 Major sources of tax revenues in Spain Direct and personal tax. It is applied […]